Feeding Your Dog: Sorting Through the Countless Choices

November 22, 2017

Solve the Dilemma Surrounding Dog Food With Some Top Tips From the Experts

What to feed your dogIt’s no secret that dog-food choices are nearly countless when you walk into any store. Shelves stretching for many feet and rising to the ceiling aren’t unheard of in most retailer’s buildings. Consumers scratch their heads in frustration as they try to make sense of every ingredient and marketing claim. Put aside those worries, and learn more about the dog-food world. By looking for certain details on the food labels, a family’s dog can be as healthy and happy as possible.

Always Choose “Complete and Balanced”

Consumers are well-aware of the marketing tactics used by most companies. Amazing claims of energy bursts and healthy eating cover each can or bag of dog food. As consumers shop around their Golden neighborhood, they can trust in the phrase “complete and balanced.” This statement is strictly regulated by the authorities to protect animals from improper diets.

The kibble bits may not look exciting from a human’s perspective, but they have a balanced collection of vitamins, minerals and other key nutrients. These “complete and balanced” selections are always part of a reputable, dog boarding facility’s stock for their visitors.

Grains Aren’t All Bad

A trend seen in society today is the rejection of grains. “Grain free” products are quickly gaining traction among consumers. They’re essentially a meat-based diet in the form of kibble or wet food. Grain-free products are perfectly suited for dogs that have certain sensitivities, such as gluten issues. Any kennel or dog daycare provides these foods if the dog owners insist upon it.

However, grains aren’t bad for dogs without sensitivities. They give the pet certain nutrients that are lacking in meat. Ideally, give the dog a diet with a mixture of meats, fruits, vegetables and grains throughout its life.

The Battle Between Canned and Dry Food

Every Lakewood dog owner has their own opinion about canned versus dry food. Kibble or dry food tends to be the clear winner with owners because it’s inexpensive, controls tartar on the teeth and offers chewing activities for the pooch.

Canned food is often preferred by the dogs, however. There’s more meat and less filler. The food goes down quickly so that more can be presumably eaten in one sitting. Most pet owners offer a mixture of both canned and dry food so that there’s textural differences during each meal.

Measure it Out

Pet owners might speak to any dog training professional and they’ll get the same answer about food volume. Regardless of the chosen food, it must be measured out at each meal. Every dog boarding facility practices this feeding technique too. It’s designed to feed each dog according to weight so that obesity issues don’t come into play. A dedicated, measuring cup is all that’s necessary. Follow the feeding schedule on each dog-food container in order to stay true to the proper, calorie intake.

The Lactose Factor

Dogs love dairy products, but they tend to have intolerance to lactose. Ideally, limit the amount of dairy given to your pooch. If you really want to offer dairy products, look for low-lactose ingredients. Frozen yogurt might be a small treat that won’t bother their stomachs. When dog owners take their pooch to the kennel, only dog-designed treats and food are given. Dairy simply isn’t a necessary nutrient in a pet’s diet.

Age-Based Foods

Consumers see dog food in their Golden neighborhood stores, and it’s mostly arranged on age. This strategy isn’t a marketing scheme. Speak to any dog training professional about the proper food. Puppies up to one-year old require their own, special mixture. Young-adult dogs can eat “all ages” food. Consider senior mixtures for dogs older than seven years.

All of these foods have specific nutrients for those age groups. Puppies need developmental energy while seniors require bone and joint support. Dog owners might speak to a dog daycare expert so that the right food can be chosen at the proper time.

Raw Meats

Remember that every dog comes from a long line of wild animals. Lakewood dog owners may cook meat and give a bite to the pet, but raw selections are better choices. Dogs gain essential nutrients through raw meats that they don’t get otherwise. They don’t require an expensive cut either. Animal organs, such as liver, are perfect choices as raw-meat treats. Buy only fresh meat, however, because germ levels must be kept low for those furry friends.

Those Unusual Foods

Furry friends often crave foods that humans deem disgusting or unhealthy. However, dogs do well with certain items that are otherwise taboo for people. Raw, whole eggs in their shells are perfect for a nutrient boost from a dog’s perspective. A little bit of moldy bread may also find its way into a dog’s diet, such as from an adventure near the trash can. The dog shouldn’t be eating moldy foods as a regular part of the diet, but there’s no cause for concern if there’s an accident at some point. The digestive system merely processes and eliminates it with ease.

Getting Professional Advice

The experts at Pet Peeves can always answer any questions about food and training programs. This boarding facility employs loving and caring individuals with a passion for pets. They’ve seen how each animal reacts to certain foods. Suggestions regarding foods for specific breeds are possible when pet owners consult these professionals.

Consider a handful of different foods before settling on just one. Dogs may be picky at first. Try to work with the professional’s advice because it will pay off with fewer veterinarian appointments in the future and a happy pet.

Once consumers decide on the best food, the pet may not accept the ingredients outright. Continue to offer the food to the dog because it will eventually eat. Be the master of the house by choosing the right food for each pet. Those countless choices won’t be so overwhelming anymore.