How Much is Too Much Exercise for Your Puppy?

May 2, 2018


Every Puppy Offers Its Unique Energy to the Lakewood Family Unit

New, pet owners are thrilled to have a puppy in the household. The energy levels are practically tangible as it roams around and plays. In most households, keeping the puppy entertained is a main goal. Fighting off obesity might be on the residents’ minds. Exercising the puppy is a definite must, but there are limitations. How much exercise is too much? Examine the factors that contribute to each animal’s behaviors and healthy ways to get in shape.

Consider the Breed

Pet owners should first look at the dog’s breed. Most dog training professionals will tell owners that every breed has a specific purpose. There are herding and hunting breeds, for instance. Traditional breeds, such as the border collie, were bred many generations ago to herd livestock. With this fact in mind, this particular breed might require more exercise than another animal.

Don’t forget that size doesn’t necessarily dictate a dog’s exercise needs. Jack Russell terriers are known for their amazing, energy reserves. They’re relatively small. Look at a chihuahua, however, and this breed won’t be able to keep up with the terrier. Ideally, ask dog boarding professionals about their suggestion for a certain breed. These recommendations are typically better than hearsay among friends or online conversation.

Refer to Age Calculations

A general recommendation for puppy exercise involves age and time. A kennel will often follow these age suggestions as a safety precaution among their clients. Create a goal of five-minute exercise periods multiplied by the dog’s age in months. Divide out the exercise twice a day so that the pet doesn’t get overstimulated.

For Lakewood residents, this amount of exercise may seem too limited. Big yards and excited families want to see the puppy at play most of the day. Use good judgement as the puppy eats, plays and rests during a given day. Wearing out the puppy isn’t good for its development.

Focus on Attention Span

Try an observation trick that often works for a dog daycare facility. When a dog exercises, the focus remains on the activity. Almost nothing, except for a treat, deters their concentration. When a dog starts to lose interest and wanders around, it’s time to end the exercise.

Some puppies seem to have an on/off switch. They run around a Golden household with reckless abandon. The puppy might suddenly stop, and it lays down. In a matter of minutes, the pup is asleep. This obvious scenario tells pet owners that the exercise period is definitely over.

Take Several Walks

Placing a leash on the puppy and trying out neighborhood walks is a clever way to see its energy level. Two or three walks every day for about five or 10 minutes each time is about average across the various breeds. The puppy learns that elimination is performed during these walks as well as exploring the world.

The puppy might be excited to walk the Lakewood neighborhood at first, but the effort may tire it out very quickly. Be aware of their gait. If the puppy starts to slow down considerably or even sits down, it’s time to head home.

Avoid Injury

Kennel professionals will often advise pet owners that too much exercise is actually bad for the dog’s anatomy. Puppies are slowly developing. Bones, ligaments and tendons aren’t fully grown or even solidified yet. Take the advice of a dog daycare professional by moderating any exercise before the puppy turns one year old.

The key to avoiding injuries is consistent exercise. A puppy might play for only five or 10 minutes each day, but it’s a regular occurrence. The bones and muscles have a chance to acclimate to the activity. Being sedentary all week until dog training occurs on the weekend is a recipe for potential injuries.

Go Slow With Jogging or Biking

A favorite pastime of Golden pet owners is either jogging or biking with the dog beside them. Although this activity gives both the owner and pet a chance to exercise, puppies may not be ready for this advanced workout. In reality, puppies need more rest than exercise. During their sleep, the puppies develop and grow at a staggering rate. Wearing them down with excessive exercise only hinders this growth. Reserve these activities for when the puppy is a teenager or young adult.

Make it Playful

Every pet owner should remember that puppy exercise translates into playtime. The dog doesn’t have to be running miles down the street, however. At a dog boarding facility, the exercise is typically a mixture of playing ball, romping with other pets and running for toys. There’s no real organization to a puppy’s exercise as long as it’s moving around.

Focus on mental-and-physical connections during exercise. Playing fetch is a great way to teach the puppy about body coordination with a moving object. Pet owners must remember that every exercise is also tied to mental stimulation that can be extremely tiring in the end. Allow the pooch to rest after the exercise so that the mental aspect can move from short-term to long-term memory.

Try Training Classes

Puppies as young as two months old are perfect candidates for obedience training. Look for a facility that offers regular classes. Learning commands becomes a form of exercise for the pooch. The pet perceives the activity as bonding time with the owner. The situation is beneficial for everyone as the pet learns obedience and gains improved strength through exercise.

Always try different exercises with a brand-new puppy. Each animal has its own personality. Some pets might prefer balls where other puppies love the squeaky toys. A Golden family has a chance to get in shape with the puppy as various activities are explored. The family unit will only benefit from the puppy’s boundless energy.