Ouch! Your Dog and Bee Stings

July 17, 2018

Evaluate a Dog With a Bee Sting Because it Can Turn Serious

dog first aidSummer’s beautiful weather prompts many pet owners to take walks with their pups. Venturing out to dog parks or local sites is commonplace for curious dogs. However, other animals are also out. Insects, including bees and wasps, are looking for their food sources. It’s not uncommon for dogs and bees to meet up at some point. If a pup suffers from a sting, don’t overlook this small but serious ailment. Treat the dog as if it was a human.

Knowing Natural Instincts

Any region, including Lakewood, has a host of insects that develop in the warmer months. They venture outdoors to live their lives. Dogs are often outdoors during this time period too. They instinctually hunt living things within their claimed turf.

The hunt may be for balls and toys during the rest of the year, but insects pose a greater challenge. The activity of any bee or wasp is a magnet for pups. They’ll chase after the bug until it’s caught or out of their reach.

Ideally, dog owners shouldn’t curtail this natural instinct. It’s healthy for dogs to hunt certain items. Simply keep an eye on their behavior so that bees and wasps aren’t typical playthings.

Signs of a Sting

Consult with any dog daycare facility, and they can give you a quick rundown of sting symptoms. If pet owners suspect a sting, look for these signs, such as:

  • Swelling
  • Pawing at a body part
  • Excessive drooling
  • Whining

Pet owners are probably the best doctors when it comes to determining if a sting has occurred. Every pet in Golden has its own personality. Some animals enjoy chewing on certain regions of their bodies. It’s an everyday occurrence. If unusual behavior begins to surface, it’s time to evaluate the pooch for any swollen areas.

Common Sting Locations

Pet owners may not be aware that their pups are dealing with a bee sting. The family might be ready to visit a dog daycare facility for boarding purposes, for instance. However, the pup is showing signs of distress.

Be aware of these areas that are common for bee stings, including:

  • Around and inside the mouth
  • On the paws and pads
  • Anywhere on the face

Verify if there are any swollen areas before dropping the pup off for daycare activities. They won’t have their usual vigor, which means that special care is necessary. A Golden veterinarian can help the pup out in these circumstances.

Allergic or Not?

Unfortunately, pet owners won’t know if their pup is allergic to a bee sting until it occurs. If the dog experiences its first sting, remain with the canine at first. Typical signs present themselves, such as pawing at the sting site, as noted by dog training professionals. Other issues arise that can be severe and life threatening.

Immediately take the pup to an emergency facility if these symptoms develop, including:

  • Collapse
  • Breathing difficulties

Anaphylaxis may be occurring in the dog. This term refers to the allergic reaction that some canines have to bee stings. If the proper treatment isn’t administered, the dog can be in serious trouble.

Searching for the Stinger

Everyday bees will leave stingers behind after stinging any animal. They’re easy to see on human skin, but they may be more difficult to locate on a pup. Use clues from the dog’s behavior to find the stinger. Pet owners want this object off of their dogs as soon as possible.

The stinger is designed to continue with its venom injection even after the bee has left the area. Reducing the amount of venom into the dog’s body is the goal.

Take a tip from a dog training professional by using a credit card for stinger removal. This strategy pulls the stinger away from the pup’s skin while minimizing the amount of venom involved with the injury.

Treating the Site

If the pup is merely annoyed with the itchy sensation, ease it with a trick that a dog daycare expert might use. Mix baking soda with water until there’s a pasty texture. Carefully apply it to the pup’s wound. This substance will calm the itchy sensation.

An ice pack is another clever idea to keep the swelling down. Use cold treatment immediately after the sting so that blood doesn’t rush to the site. The dog will be more comfortable during recovery with this tactic.

Considering Medications

Some pet owners turn to medications to ease their pup’s discomfort. Benadryl or diphenhydramine is a common drug prescribed by veterinarians. Ideally, use this medication only if the dog has a current prescription for it. Administering medications in the hopes of helping the dog might ultimately worsen the situation.

Follow the prescribed medication’s instructions or call a Lakewood vet for advice. Diphenhydramine is a drug that’s well suited for allergic reactions in pets. It must be matched to the canine’s age, weight and medical conditions.

Preventing Further Stings

Diligent attention must be paid to the dog when it’s outside. Whether pet owners are walking the pup or allowing it to roam the backyard, be aware of hives or active insects in the area. Keep the pup away from any known areas that bugs frequent, such as nearby trees.

Keep up with training so that the dog responds to a “stay” or “come” command too. It’s impossible to protect the dog at all times, but basic care can make a difference.

If a pet owner has any questions about bee stings, consulting a dog training professional is a smart alternative to the vet. These canine experts can help out when a vet isn’t available. They’re often familiar with the breed or an owner’s particular pet. The end result is a healthy and happy dog that can enjoy the summer without a bothersome sting.